You can make a difference: #IBelieveYou

Do you know the impact that three simple words can have on someone’s life? I believe you, it’s a simple statement, but what does it really mean? To a sexual assault survivor it can mean everything.

Over the last few months InfinityComm has been proud to work with the Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services and many community partners to launch an Alberta wide awareness campaign to put a stop to sexual assault. The campaign is simply titled: #IBelieveYou.

Sexual assault has become a popular topic as of late with the Ontario government launching their “It’s Never Okay” action plan which, Premier Wynne has been out promoting and supporting and most recently Lady Gaga released the single “Till it happens to you” a raw glimpse into the life of a victim from assault to their journey to become whole again . The approach to all these campaigns may be different however the end result remains the same, we can all make a difference in a survivor’s life and together we need to put a stopto sexual assault.

#IBelieveYou focuses on the simple act of believing.  Did you know that up to 97% of assaults are never reported to police? Many survivors never tell even a friend or family member (1). Believing isn’t the only step, but it is an important first step towards healing and justice. Who will you tell?

We encourage you to visit to learn more about this amazing campaign we truly poured our blood, sweat and tears into. View the videos below and share with your family and friends, let them know you will be there for them.

We are happy to have reached over 500,000 people socially to date.


(1) Johnson, H. (2012). Limits of a Criminal Justice Response: Trends in Police and Court Processing of Sexual Assault. Sexual Assault in Canada: Law, Legal Practise, and Womens Activism, 613-634